Thursday, January 20, 2022

CODA: Family matters

Recently I watched the film CODA 2021 about a Child Of deaf parents. Ruby is a hearing teenage girl living with her deaf brother and parents. She likes singing and joined the school's choir team and discovered she has a talented gift in singing. Her teacher encouraged her to go to the music college, but is torn between that and helping her brother & father on the boat as they dont have enough money to hire a hearing worker. 

I really loved this movie because: 

- It was the first movie I've ever watched about deaf people and it answered all my questions about them. 

Now I know they can write and read everything including lips and can have a hearing child but it can be challenging as Ruby's mom was scared if she would be seen as a bad mom due to her disability. 

- Protecting the family: the movie contains lots of lesson regarding protecting the family:

  • Ruby tries to protect her family from harassments, she even teaches wrong sign language to her friend whom wants to date her older brother. 
  • Ruby's mom tries to find family activities, so all the family members can join together.
  • Ruby's dad doesn't blame her children over negotiating the fish price in the market and stop them from fighting each other. He tells them: "Guys! you want to fight, go fight those assholes! Our family sticks together!"

 - Sacrifice: learning when to sacrifice for your loved ones and when to follow your dreams. Sacrificing your self is very hard and challenging once you discover that you have a gifted talent and your family and loved ones rely on you. In Ruby's situation, it's not only Ruby who has to sacrifice herself; her family also has to sacrifice a free lifetime interpreter. 

- Appreciate other people's time & help: Follow your dreams. There are always some people to discover your talents and help you to achieve your dreams. Appreciate their help and their time spent on you.

- Don't be scared of judgement: Ruby is always afraid of hearing her classmates making fun of her family. She doesn't want her friend date her brother or doesn't let Leo go to the bar with hearing people until Miles tells her that she was cool when they were at 3rd grade and she was ordering beers for her parents but his own parents wont even let him to take the bus alone. He mentions his parents hate each other but Ruby's parents love each other. 

- Humor: I love the humor in this movie and laughed a lot after Gertie told Leo that "she has herpes" and when Frank says:

"You know why God made farts smell? So deaf people could enjoy them too". 

- Don't put all your eggs in one basket: When Jackie and Frank are struggling financially, Jackie suggests to sell the boat, but Frank disagree and says: "It's the only thing I know how to do!"

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