29 June:
I heard Mentari Court will be placed under EMCO but still thought that at least 1 person was allowed to go for shopping essentials. So, I was relaxed a bit.
30 June:
Around 4:00p.m. finally decided to go shopping. Bought flour, yeast, tomato puree, chickpeas and red beans can from 99. After I brought them home, I headed back out for more shopping.
Around 6:00p.m. Just realized the month of June has 30 days not 31 and only 2 hours left to buy groceries. I did not yet buy creamer, hoping I could buy from the shops inside Mentari Court compound itself.
1 July:
Around 4:00p.m. I checked the shops inside the compound and found that out all the shops and restaurants were closed. Police stated: only online transactions for online shopping is allowed, not even cash on delivery is allowed. Regardless, I did not even take any cash from my account. Also found out couldn't use my card for online shopping as it is registered with my old number.
Around 7:00 p.m. donations of 10kg rice, 2 pack of palm oil, 1kg sugar, 800 g flour delivered to our flat.
2 July:
After the medical officer put a blue wristband with my identity card number written on it around my wrist, I did the swab test. Only they are allowed to remove it on the 14th July.
In the afternoon, I made homemade mayonnaise using the donated palm oil.
3 July:
Ran out of creamer for coffee! I blame myself for buying cider instead of creamer, realizing its best not to consume alcohol before and after the vaccine.
4 July:
I received the test results: negative! Waiting period for the vaccine started!
Around 5:00p.m. we received donations of a pack of 25g turmeric with a bag of vegetables (2 cucumbers, 1 carrot, 1 cabbage, tomato, lady fingers and green chili padi) and eggs.
After 10:00p.m. one of the florescent lamps in the room went off. Lamps aren't considered essential.
5 July:
Management replied: they may send a florescent lamp later, and it can only be changed by the tenant themselves not the repair staff.
Having heavy period after 55 days! I bought a pack of period pads last month and a pack of liners on 30th June. Was worried what would happen if I ran out of period pads. Need to sew some cloth pads again!
Around 10:00p.m. I read on the news, they'll be giving us the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine starting from the morning of 5th July.
Woke up late and found out boss had been waiting 1 hour for me to change the address on one of the forms. EMCO affected business hours. I can't work at night and have to wake up early morning.
6 July:
I woke up after 7:30 a.m., couldn't sleep longer. Had to start work...
Around 12:00p.m. I received my first dose of vaccine! Waiting to say "Silenzio Bruno" to any side effects that dare show up!
Running out of chicken! I cooked the last portion of chicken with donated lady fingers.
After 7:00 p.m. finally got fresh milk donation for coffee, big relief!
7 July:
Around 10:00 p.m. I felt tired & hot, my head was shaking. My body temperature dropped to 35.5 Celsius degree.
I read some people in Germany, advising government to fine those who are escaping their second dose of vaccine. Let's see how they manage our second dose vaccine.
8 July:
My body temperature is still around 35.5 Celsius degree.
Since yesterday, I'm trying to stop talking about EMCO situation, as it just enhanced my stressful thoughts.
After 9:00 p.m. I decided to make cucumber & cabbage salad and use the mayonnaise as salad dressing. The mayonnaise solidified in the fridge and after it melted, tasted more like oil than mayonnaise. Waste of time and effort :(
9 July:
I cooked the second carrot with minced chicken meat. My inner bunny has to fast again until further notice :(
10 July:
Receiving another box of eggs: finally the chicken or the egg question has been answered.
11 July:
Milk-less now, entering black coffee season again!
After 12:00p.m. the medical officer snipped off our blue wristband and gave a green release paper.
12 July:
It's official! Today is our last day of EMCO.
After 11:30 p.m., apartment dwellers started celebrating the ending of EMCO with fireworks.
13 July:
Finally went out to do some grocery, bought paper cups to make cupcakes.
Covid-19 virus had an enormous feast, 11019 cases recorded. Health GD requesting people to stay home. There's a possibility of extending EMCO due to increasing Covid-19 cases on EMCO areas.
14 July:
Covid-19 is a very gourmand virus. Yesterday it had a new record of 11618 cases!
Due to EMCO, all shops are closed and repair staff cannot change the florescent lamp in the room.
17 July:
EMCO ended in Selangor yesterday. The repairman came to replace the lights this morning. Happy ending
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