Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Hiking permit: RM1000 in Malaysia

MCO.2 extended again, this time from 19th Feb to 4th March. Public parks will reopen but outdoor activities are limited to walking, jogging, recycling individually. Hiking is not allowed and if anyone violates this rule, they will be fined RM1000. Hiking-goers are making fun of this on social media by saying hiking is the most expensive hobby or hiking permit is RM1000. 

My heart is broken as I can't reunite with my new hobby. I need to take a new course of life experience and develop my skills. Staying at home doesn't sharpen my skills. I still crave for hiking!

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Pos Laju sucks!

Me & my roommate have been buying Top Turbo clean detergent from Big Aeon since last year. Last month, they were out of stock and the shop staff told me their suppliers will not bring any new stocks. So now we've decided to try and buy it online through Shopee. I settled the payment on 7 Feb and was expecting to receive the parcel on 10th of Feb. Unfortunately as of now, there's no further news of my parcel. My friend is suggesting to leave to fate & luck.  But I can't do that as I am constantly worried about the leakage. I tried my best to choose the sellers who is particular about packaging in preventing any possible leakage but now I'm worried that if any leakage happened, by the time I receive my parcel, the detergent containers would be half empty. I have trouble treating online shopping as the new normal. 

Recently read the "Eat, Pray, Love" book by Elizabeth Gilbert. She's an American writer who divorced her husband then traveled to Italy, India & Indonesia. Before traveling to Italy, she sent a box of books there but never received them. Her Italian friends advised her to forget her parcel but she decided to go to the post office anyway and check on its status. Maria, one of her friends thinks that in a civilized society, one should be able to rely on post office delivering one's mail in a prompt manner. I agree with Maria. That's why I'm mad at Pos Laju. They should know by now that more people are turning to online shopping and looking for trusted delivery companies but they are apparently not ready.

Giulio is telling Liz that the post office deliveries are subjects of fate not of man and Maria found this as a proof of Protestant-Catholic divide. The Catholic cannot make plans for the future, even a week in advance. If you invite a Protestant to dinner for next week, the Protestant believing in herself as the captain of her own destiny will say "Thursday night works fine for me" but if you ask same thing from a Catholic, he will turn his eyes to God, saying: "How can any of us know whether we will be free for dinner next Thursday night? Giving everything in God's hands and none of us know our fate?" It seems Catholic and Muslim shares same attitude towards fate and destiny. 

Someone wrote in his Facebook post that complaining to the post office, helped to receive his parcel but it has yet to work for me. I may have to add "prayers to God" as additional Shopee guarantee. Pos Laju is apparently contributing a lot to religious faith.

Note: My parcel arrived in good condition on 14th Feb :)

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Checking Covid-19 statistics

Since the start of MCO.2, I've been checking the Covid-19 statistics consistently to see whether the MCO is really having an effect on flattening the curve or not. On 29th Jan, only 3 days after the end of MCO.2, in the light of 5725 cases reported, its apparent that Covid-19 has become as fat as Gluttony in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood anime.

But since then, the statistics shows Covid-19 is getting a slight change in its diet. I really hope MCO helps Covid-19 to loose some weight and the government orders the opening up of hiking areas. I just found a new hiking area and can't wait to see the end of MCO.

Invisible god vs visible god

 I always wonder how followers of Abrahamic religions came out with the idea of an "invisible god". This Saturday afternoon lookin...